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Tibetan doctors visit

Oct.  19 & 20, 2019

Cash only payment.


To sign up for an appointment time, see open times below and please email and provide the following:


-Your Name

-Contact information (email/phone number)

-Time slot requested and if for Health Consultation or Oral-Astro Consultation

-If interested in an Astro-science oral consultation, please provide your gender and date/place/time/year of birth as well which will be sent to the doctors before your appointment





Health consultations last 15-20 minutes | Astro-Science Oral Consultations last 45-50 minutes



Saturday October 19

Astro-Science Oral Consultations 2p - 5p

2p-2:50p Reserved

3p-3:50p Reserved

4p-4:50p OPEN


Health Consultation 2p-5p

2p-2:20p Reserved

2:25p-2:45p Reserved

2:50p-3:10p Reserved

3:15p-3:25p OPEN

3:30p-3:50p OPEN

3:55p-4:15p Reserved

4:15p-4:35p OPEN

4:40p-5p OPEN


Sunday October 20

Astro-Science Oral Consultations 12p-2p

12p-12:50p Reserved

1p-1:50p Reserved


Health Consultation 12p-2p

12p-12:20p  Reserved

12:25p-12:45p Reserved

12:50p-1:10p Reserved

1:15p-1:35p Reserved

1:40p-2p Reserved




CASH ONLY. The fee for health consultation is $30 for Tibetans with Green Book and $60 for non-Tibetans. The duration for each consultation is about 15 to 20 minutes.



The fee for an Astro-Science Oral Consultation is $100 per person. The duration of the consultation is 45 to 50 minutes. Those interested, can record the oral-astro consultation or make notes. For oral-astro consultations, please send us via email in advance your details such as gender, date/place/year of birth.


The cost of herbs for one month would range between $27 and $35. The cost of precious pills would be extra.

Contact Us

Chenrezig Tibetan Buddhist Center of Philadelphia

954 North Marshall Street

Philadelphia, PA 19123


COVID-19 Face Masks Update as of March 8, 2024


Face masks are now optional if you are fully vaccinated.  For the safety and well-being of everyone, we strongly encourage you to wear a mask.  If you show any signs of illness whatsoever, please be mindful of your own health and the Sangha and attend virtually.   Thank you for your compassionate concern for the safety of others. 

Success! Message received. We will contact you as soon as possible.

"Hate has never yet dispelled hate.  Only love dispels hate.  This is the law, ancient and inexhaustible. 

You too shall pass away.  Knowing this, how can you quarrel?"  The Dhammapada

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@2023 Chrenrezig Tibetan Buddhist Center of Philadelphia

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