SUNDAY DHARMA Sundays 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Join us every Sunday for meditation and Dharma teachings.
February 9: Tony Boris will lead services, "Meditation, Wisdom, Love"
February 16: Lama Losang Samten will lead services, practice of Amitabha
February 23: Lama Losang Samten will lead services, Tibetan New Years Eve - Palden Lhamo Tea Ceremony
Free parking available behind the center. Please park to the Southern side to allow church attendants to park near the church. Suggested donation for Sunday Dharma is $10, $5 for students.
Join us Sundays around 12 p.m. following our morning meditation and dharma teaching service for continued activities to connect further with Sangha members!
February 9, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Children's Meditation Workshop
Led by Sr. Vernice
For children ages 10 and younger. This workshop will use one of the Jātaka Tales--stories originating in India about the previous births of Gautama Buddha--as a guide for the meditation and storytelling.
February 16, 12 p.m.: Losang's Gathering
Led by Lama Losang Samten
Join a few of us on Sunday January 26 for an informal dialog with Lama Losang. Bring your questions and connect with others in this precious offering!
Space is limited, so please RSVP to Sue Passante at stpassante@gmail.com.
February 23, 12 p.m.: Special Slideshow of Tibet
Led by Lama Losang Samten
In June 2019, over Sakadawa, Kim Desrosiers and Sonja Pettingill (CTC member) made a pilgrimage to Tibet to complete the Mt Kailash kora. They also visited Lhasa and several other sacred Buddhist sites as well as the North face of “Chomalunga" or Mt. Everest in English. They have captured this experience with a unique slide show that takes us beyond the famous sites. Join us as Losang-la will bring these photos to life with anecdotes and special personal stories as the pictures stimulate his memory.
Join us Thursday nights from 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. for drop-in meditation. After sitting in meditation, each practice leader will then lead some discussion or a Q&A or even a reading from a book. Whether you are an advanced meditator or just beginning your interest in meditation, you will find sitting with a group will create a strong energy for your practice. This is an opportunity to deepen your commitment to yourself and through the support of others, begin to reduce the suffering in your life and in the lives of others. We look forward to having you join us.
Medicine Buddha Empowerment
Saturday February 15 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Medicine Buddha, sometimes known as the guru of physicians, was first introduced to Tibet in the eighth century. Since then, Medicine Buddha has become a powerful spiritual healing practice in Tibetan Buddhism. Join us as Lama Losang leads the ceremony of empowerment that can be dedicated to the healing needed for ourselves, loved ones and the whole planet.
Members $10, Non-members $20.
Introduction to Meditation
Saturday February 22 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
We are all beginners in the study and practice of the dharma. Take advantage of this precious opportunity as Losang leads us in a one-day introduction to the basic tenets of Buddhism. Don’t miss the special and unique style of Lama Losang as he imparts deep and complex concepts through simple and sometimes personal stories.
Members $10, Non-members $20.
Losar, Tibetan New Year
Monday February 24 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Please join us for an authentic celebration of the Tibetan New year as members of the Tibetan Buddhist community will come to our Center and lead us through a traditional ceremony and celebration.
Free event.
Full Day Silent Meditation *TIME CHANGE* Saturday February 29 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. Each month we will use CTBC's sacred space for a full day of silent meditation to deepen one’s practice and reflect within for a day. The full-day experience is personal and intimate yet provides the support of a group setting. All levels of meditation experience and practice traditions are welcome! You can attend the full day or any sitting session. Please contact Sue Passante (stpassante@gmail.com) if you have questions regarding the full day meditation event. Free event.
Next Book Discussion: March 15
Wake Up to What Matters: A Guide to Tibetan Buddhism for the Next Generation
by Avikrita Vajra Sakya

Our next book discussion will be an introduction to the Dharma by a young Tibetan lama. This unique and fresh presentation of Tibetan Buddhism provides all the tools a person needs to navigate the Buddhist path in a modern world. The twenty-five-year-old lama, Avikrita Vajra Sakya, was born and raised in America and now lives in a monastery in India, training in and teaching meditation and Buddhist philosophy to hundreds of monks and nuns.
Reading the book ahead of time is encouraged but not required. You can purchase a copy of Wake Up to What Matters on Amazon. Please contact Anna Murphey, CTBC member and book discussion facilitator, at murpheya@gmail.com with questions and more information.